Dirty Drawings

Dirty Drawings

Agitated, disturbed, grainy, scratchy, itchy, noisy, dirty, troubled.

Communities of numbers caught in spatial and temporal paper and ink fields.

Landscapes to get lost in.

The soil is troubled, the drawings are troubled, I am troubled. To “stay with the trouble” (Donna J. Harraway) I spend my time accumulating numbers extracted from the earth by probes – blunt-ended instruments used for exploring a wound, part of the body or the earth.

The wet and warm numbers migrate and scratch their way into the paper via invisible networks, processors, and my body.

They settle, unsettled, cloudy, misty, gusty..

Data cloud

Data storage

Data footprint

Data challenge

These drawings are a form of analogue data storage, they are paper and ink data clouds..

When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Drawing, October 2022 (temperature)

When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Drawing, April 2023 (moisture)

When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Drawing, August 2023 (temperature)