Living with my Oak Tree

In this project I am attempting to live with tree time and space.

The first iteration of my living projects titled Living with my Oak Tree was made in October 2020. I attempted to live with my dear little decrepit salt burned oak tree for 8 days over a week to see if I could ‘get close to it’. The idea came as a reaction to the prevalent idea at the moment that ‘we are all nature’, that we humans are nature, as this idea is brandished about I wonder what it means, what it actually means, what it could mean and what it could mean to me?.

What would it feel like to be nature – other than human nature? oak tree nature for example? or bat nature?

Living with my Oak Tree Day 1
Living with my Oak Tree Day 2
Living with my Oak Tree Day 3
Living with my Oak Tree Day 4
Living with my Oak Tree Day 5
Living with my Oak Tree Day 6
Living with my Oak Tree Day 7
Living with my Oak Tree Day 8
Living with my Oak Tree Day 8, Later