Music – 2nd November

The deadline for the 5 musical compositions for Crossed Paths by Tim Noble, Ric Lloyd, Japser Salmon, Diarmuid Johnson and Harriet Earis is Saturday 5th November.

Tim, Ric and Diarmuid have already sent me their compositions and today Japser sent me his 3 pieces on the violin.

I have also commissioned 2 new compositions by Angharad Davies Toby Hay

I have one more writer/musician to invite to make up the 8 musical compositions which will each be synced to the Go Pro footage collected from my 8 crawls, I will make 8 films that will be projected onto 8 screens for the final installation for Oriel Davies Gallery beginning on April 21st 2018.

It is unspeakably exciting to receive these compositions, having asked each of them to simply respond to the landscape through which I crawled, I could not have dreamed each person would respond so perfectly. I initiated a collaborative process of purposefully not knowing and not dictating or mediating how each person would respond, I only requested that they would use one instrument only so that the sound would be ‘pure’, so that each piece of music would be autonomous and distinct from the other.

I love all of the music so far, each piece changes the dynamic of my footage entirely, some mis- fitting, some fitting, each shifting the perception and perspective of the landscape, each taking the viewer, listener to a new emotional ‘place’ even though the footage is some what consistent.

My edited films shift between prose and poetry; real time footage alongside audio from my body and the activity of crawling juxtaposed with highly edited footage orchestrated with fragments from the musical compositions, presenting non – mediated and mediated propositions of landscape.

I am indebted to each of them and so absolutely thrilled to have had the opportunity to commission such a talented group of writers and musicians

Attached is one of the recordings Jasper has just sent me, it is heart achingly beautiful